London...(Part 2)

On the second day of our recent visit to London, we managed to roll up at the market on Portobello Road, where we were hugely entertained with the variety of stalls, antiques, bricabrac, books, fruit and veg aswell as the specialaity food stands.

The street and surrounding area is alive with colour...

and character...

No trip to London, with a young person, would be complete without a vist to

the largest toy store!

Love London! but it is nice to return home...


  1. How fun! I hope to get back there one day. I love all the color and age.

  2. Hi Maria!
    Can you believe I visited Hamley's but not Portobello?! :)

  3. Looks like you had a really good time. I love the pics, they are great. Hope you have a good week.


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