Onset of Spring and Etsy shop stock...

With carpets of Snowdrops and the Daffs and Tulips poking through, you can't help but feel the onset of Spring, even the weather has been lovely too.
Thoughts have turned to outdoors, work to be done in the garden and down at the lotty plot! Although the garden is fairly tidy, (I have already cut the lawn this year) there is still a little weeding and clearing to be done and a polytunnel to erect! Yes, that was a project from last year that didn't get completed! The lotty plot will take a little more work, as all the beds need clearing and we are still finding our way, with our plans for it! I thought I may do a monthly update on our progress with the lotty…


All the above items are available in the Etsy shop
Enjoy your week all! 


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